Browse mineral resources


Lady Mae

Notch Peak

House Range Deposits

Queen of Hills

Scheelite Queen Mine

Black Rock Volcano

Cove Fort Clay Deposit

Excelsior Sulfur Deposit

Iron Mine Pass Prospects

New York Sulfur Deposit

North Fork Prospect

Prince Albert Sulfur Deposit

Queen Victoria Sulfur Deposit

Tabernacle Hill

Tremolite Deposit

Victor Conqueror Sulfur Deposit


Unknown Prospect

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit # 14120

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit # 14119

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit # 14118

Pay Streak Prospects

Tremolite # 1

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit #14112

Utah Dept of Highways Pit # 14127

Unknown Mine

Dei-Gratia #8 Claim

Unknown Limestone Mine

Stellaire Claim

Snowflake Queen Claim

Unknown Obsidian Mine

Copper Wedge Claim

Unknown Mine

Unknown Mine

Unknown Prospects

Unknown Limestone Mine

South Wash #1, 2

Unknown Prospect

Bell Base Lode

Unknown Prospect

Utah Dept, of Highways Borrow Pit #14114

Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit #14113

Utah Dept of Highways Gravel Pit # 14089

Long Ridge West Borrow Pit

Long Ridge Sw Borrow Pit #10

Long Ridge Sw Borrow Pit #11

Long Ridge Sw Borrow Pit #13

Ut. Dept of Hwys Gravel Pit #14029

Ut. Dept of Hwys Cinder Pit #14031

Utah Dept of Highway Pit No. 14034

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14012

Utah Dept of Highways Pit No. 14004

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit No. 14015

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit No. 14018

Long Ridge South Borrow Pit

Delta Gravel Pit #5

Delta Cemetery East Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Borrow Pit #14069

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14082

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14103

Little Valley South Pit

Utah Dept. of Highway Pit #14084

Black Rock Gravel Pit No 2

Black Rock Gravel Pit No 1

Rocky Knoll Borrow Pit #1

Fillmore South Sandpit

Utah Dept of Highways Pit No 14032

Fillmore West Gravel Pit #1

Cove Fort Gravel Pit No. 10

Greenwood Gravel Pit No. 9

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14027

Holden North Gravel Pit #24

Utah Dept. of Highways Cinder Pit No. 14037

Kanosh Gravel Pit No. 19

Fillmore Borrow Pit #24

Greenwood Nw Gravel Pit No 10.

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14065

Fillmore Borrow Pit #25

Church Spring Wosh Gravel Pit No. 26

Cove Fort Nw Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit #14061

Utah Dept. of Highways Borrow Pit #14071

Utah Dept. of Highways Borrow Pit #14070

Red Knolls South #1 Gravel Pit

Red Knolls South #3 Gravel Pit

Sixmile Point Gravel Pit

Ut. Dept of Hwys Gravel Pit 14039

Meadow West Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit No 14036

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14056

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14058

Utah Highway Dept. Borrow Pit #14060

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14075

Devil Kitchen West Borrow Pit No.3

Pavant Butte South Gravel Pit No. 5

Antelope Mtn. Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14098

Clay Knoll Central Borrow Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Borrow Pit #14074

Utah Highway Dept. Borrow Pit #14088


U.D.H. Potential Gravel Pit No. 14045

Gravel Pit 14043

White Sage Flat Gravel Pit No. 1

Utah Dept of Highways Pit No 14041

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14013

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14006

Scipio Lake Gravel Pit No. 2

Scipio Lake Gravel Pit No. 3

Agnes 5

Utah Dept of Highways Pit #14102

Lower Kings Canyon Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit No. 14081

Antelope Springs Gravel Pit No. 1

West Mountain North Gravel Pit

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14026

Utah Dept of Highways Pit No 14028

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14080

Utah Dept. of Highways Pit #14079

Bonnie May No. 1-5

Unknown Adit

Forminco Claims

Rainbow Mine

Limestone Deposit

Utah Dept. of Highways Potential Gravel Pit # 14117

Utah Dept. of Highways Gravel Pit #14121

Diatomaceous Earth

Iron Pass Mine

Forminco Mine

Utah Dept of Highways Pit #14093

Long Ridge Sw Borrow Pit #7

South Pit Mine

Scheelite Queen Mine

Pioneer Creek Gravel Pit No 20

Cedar Mtn West Gravel Pit

Gravel Pit #14044


Utah Dept of Highways Pit No 14024

(Facility) Smelter Knolls South Borrow Pit

(Facility) Smelter Knolls North Gravel Pits

Utah Highway Dept Gravel Pit #14085

Utah Dept of Highways Pit #14007

Scipio Pass Gravel Pit #5

Utah Dept of Highways Pit #14016

Utah Dept of Highways Pit No 14022

Utah Dept of Highways Pit #14087

Utah Dept of Highways Pit #14107

At & T Road Gravel Pit

Utah Dept of Highways Gravel Pit #14077

© 2010-2018 Lee C. Baker unless noted. All rights reserved.